Sunday, March 19, 2006

Go Team Go!

I must say I disagree with Roy (sorry Roy). Teamwork IS important. The presentation by Brad Arden fuelled my belief in teamwork. Don’t get me wrong. I know how important individuality and individual work is. Nevertheless there are many instances where a team (combined out of a number of effective individuals) is highly valuable. Teamwork helps you fill the gaps of knowledge that you didn’t have before. If you aren’t experienced or knowledgeable in a certain area, one of your team-mates will help you and feed you with new information, and visa versa.

I sometimes don’t like teamwork. I will back Beatrice up in this respect where she said that some team members just don’t pull their weight. However, the difference between teamwork at university and teamwork in our work place one day differs. Here the people are willing, equipped and trained to do their job. And if they don’t, they stand the chance of receiving Donald Trump’s favourite saying, “You’re fired”.

Our NEPAD workshop was interesting. At first I thought it was very repetitive of what the NEPAD website says, but I realised I didn’t fully understand what the website meant. It is an area of my line of interests that I should pay careful attention to because thus far its been the most successful African development initiative yet. Mr Metcalfe was honest enough in saying the Initiative itself is inspiring, but the Secretariat is the downfall. I totally agree. What I also enjoyed about this session is that is sparked a lot of debate. Some brilliant points were highlighted during these debates. Thanks for that everyone. Here is the website address of The Foundation for the Development of Africa where Mr Metcalfe works:


At 6:36 AM, Blogger Pascalia said...

I think that whether teamwork is best or not is relative to the kind of work or the kind of people in it. Like all situations it has its advantages as you have mentioned but it also has its disadvantages which can be quiet damaging. The big idea is to keep the eyes and ears open. What do you think?

At 12:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Celeste,
I appreciate your comment on the workshop – thank you. Never forget:
“None of Us is as Good as All of Us”

We are actively involved with promoting the AFRICAN RENEWAL PROGRAMME alongside the NEPAD initiative. We firmly believe that sustainable development is a process that must start from within - Africa needs to ‘partner’ with herself first! - We promote the phrase: "Lets create wealth" rather than "Lets alleviate poverty"

Our I SUPPORT AFRICA campaign is working on just that - The objective of this campaign is to mobilize the world to 'take hands' in support of Africa and her people! The campaign endeavours to promote opportunities in Africa and to acknowledge those who share our vision in Africa's sustainable development process. Most importantly this campaign allows the ‘you and I’ of this world to participate in Africa's development! See our world-rated website:

We will continue to lobby support for Africa and actively participate in the plea made by NEPAD: “The African peoples must take up the challenge of mobilising in support of the implementation of this initiative by setting up, at all levels, structures for organisation, mobilisation and action!”

We proudly promote the premise “Less Aid – Let's Trade”


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