Monday, May 15, 2006


At the moment I am busy with a small creative task for the Project Support Office. And I’m having great fun playing around and testing things for this task. And I must say the help I’ve been getting doing my daily job have been fantastic. Even though I’m an intern everybody in the office is more than pleased to lend a helping hand or teach me how to do certain things. For the past two weeks I’ve had the constant feeling of growth and independence in myself. And RMB is a great area of opportunity where I can strengthen this feeling.

I have been asked the question by Lesley, my training course mentor, whether I have had any disappointments or anything that I am concerned about since I started my internship. My answer is simple: I’m disappointed that my internship at RMB is only a mere three months. It is definitely the type of company I would strive to work for permanently, as they treat their employees and clients like gold, and it’s an environment of constant learning and growing.


At 8:40 AM, Blogger Cyrille Mutombo said...

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At 8:42 AM, Blogger Cyrille Mutombo said...

Hi Celeste,
I am happy to learn that u are coping with your tasks. I also hope that the RMB offers you more than an internship.

I left this comment on Mpho's blog and I think it also applies to you:

please share some of your experiences on the wow blog, it would be great to c how what u guys are doing individualy as interns relate to the discussion we have on the team blog! some might learn from it



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